Wednesday, March 26, 2008
International Experts to be Hired for Lahore Rapid Mass Transit Project

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Viaducts Use in LRMTS
• In the South from Hamza Town to Model Town North, a distance of approximately 11km
• In the North from Data Darbar to Shahdara, a distance of under 5 km
For such a long viaduct (totalling about 16km) supporting a rail system, it is of paramount importance to select a design concept that takes into consideration the following aspects:
• Speed of construction: The structure needs to be erected as quickly as possible in order to achieve the contract schedule and open the line on time. Moreover, the disruption of roads and traffic as well as mobilization on site are limited if construction time is minimized.
• Cost-effectiveness: The cost of the Civil Works is a major component of the total Capital Cost necessary for such an important project. An economical viaduct structure complying with all design standards will reduce the cost and make the technical project more competitive.
• Minimum disturbance on road traffic: The LRMTS viaduct will follow a main arterial road of the city of Lahore, Ferozepur Road. The design of the viaduct as well as the construction method implemented on site should minimize, as far as possible, the impacts on the road traffic and avoid any traffic blockages at all times.
• Limited visual impact on urban environment: The service life of the LRMTS viaduct will be approximately 100 years. Therefore, the visual aspect of the structure must be carefully designed as it is very difficult to modify the architecture of the viaduct after the construction. The appearance of the structure will have to be both a landmark along the route for future generations and to minimize the visual intrusion on those affected.
• Full integration with system: The concept adopted will have to make provision for all the system requirements of the LRMTS system and to be as flexible as possible to cater for possible future changes in the system.
For both speed of construction and cost-effectiveness, the structural concept most suitable for this kind of long viaduct is a pre-stressed concrete viaduct using a precast segmental construction method.
Pre-stressed concrete structures are nowadays much more economical than other structure types while being reliable and durable.
This kind of structure is generally associated with precast segmental construction. The method involves prefabricating the structure parts in a separate casting plant yard. The members are then transported on site and assembled by pre-stressing to complete the structure.
This standardisation of the construction has several major advantages:
better quality of structure as it is made separately in a plant with a better QA control than on site;
• increased speed of construction as only the erection of structure parts is done on site;
• disturbance of traffic drastically reduced as only the erection of segments is done on site.
Precast segmental construction is also associated with the span-by-span construction method using auto-launching erection devices, called "launching girders".
For LRMTS viaduct, the bridge will consist of short spans, typically 25m long, simply supported on single piers and typically formed in the central median of the roadway, with a multiple pile foundation system.
The viaducts should be designed to a recognized international bridge design code taking into account railway loadings. Additionally international requirements for railway structures (UIC – Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer) shall be taken into account, as shall Pakistan Standards for seismic loading. The decks and supporting structures shall provide a minimum headroom clearance to the road below of 5.3m or equivalent Pakistan National design standard (whichever is the greater dimension).
For LRMTS viaduct, the bridge will consist of short spans, typically 25m long, simply supported on single piers and typically formed in the central median of the roadway, with a multiple pile foundation system.
The decks and supporting structures shall provide a minimum headroom clearance to the road below of 5.3m or equivalent Pakistan National design standard (whichever is the greater dimension).
The "U-shape" viaduct system shown above is proposed for the elevated sections of the LRMTS.
The "U" shaped structure was first conceived by a system-wide multidisciplinary value engineering team of SYSTRA experts. The value-engineered structure integrates economically all components of the system in a very convenient and practical way, considering both installation and maintenance.
The top of the "U" flange is used as a walkway at vehicle floor level, facilitating passenger evacuation from the train. This is a major advantage of "U" girder design with regard to safety compared to other common viaducts.
Signals, signalling boxes, telephones, if any, can be installed on the "U" girder flanges in a convenient position for operation and maintenance as they are installed at a correct height for train drivers. Cables are routed on both sides of the "U" girder in cable trays fixed to the sides.
The other main advantages of the U-shape structure are:
• overall standardization of the project;
• optimization of construction methods and schedule;
• optimal integration with the environment;
• and will help to reduce the overall projects risks.
Safety requirements for railway viaducts include an anti-derailment device. In conventional structures, this function is met by provision of a concrete anti-derailment wall or counter-rail. With the U-shape viaduct, the rail vehicle is maintained between the flanges and does not need other additional device.
The environmental advantages of the U-shape viaduct are:
• reduced noise to pedestrians and occupiers of adjacent property, as the sides of the "U" are also used as a noise barriers; and
• reduced visual impact on the urban landscape as the depth of the viaduct deck is about depth of conventional viaduct deck
Monday, March 17, 2008
Mass Transit Plan: Jica to Conduct Study on Karachi FTDF from March 21

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (Jica) would start the survey within next few days as part of its technical assistance to the City District Government Karachi (CDGK), sources in Traffic & Communication Department of the CDGK told Business Recorder on Monday."A team of Jica experts is due in Pakistan on March 19 to conduct a scientific study on the city's future traffic demand," said Malik Zaheer-ul-Islam, director-general, Karachi Mass Transit Cell (KMTC).
PR to Gift Land to CDGK for Expressway
Karachi: The federal government has granted permission for the construction of a 24-kilometre long and 25-metre wide expressway from Karachi City to Landhi Railway Station on railway land. Pakistan Railways (PR) will soon issue a no objection certificate (NOC) to the City District Government Karachi (CDGK) in this regard.The project was earlier conceived as a highly controversial elevated expressway, called the Karachi Elevated Expressway (KEE), which was to run above Sharea Faisal from Quaidabad to Jinnah Bridge (Native Jetty).Informed sources told
The News that the caretaker prime minister approved the summary sent to him in this regard, while the Pakistan Railways has agreed to give its land to the CDGK for the purpose as a gift.Now the expressway will run along the railway line instead of Sharea Faisal, however, it would be given elevation only where required.According to sources, the CDGK is awaiting the NOC from Pakistan Railways following which the final agreement will be signed after re-evaluating the cost of the project with the Malaysian firm IJM Construction (PVt) Ltd.The original cost of the project was US$400 million and it is likely to be reduced to around US$380 million.
Friday, March 14, 2008
ECNEC to Decide Fate of Elevated Expressway in Karachi
It would help the city government save on costs while the railway authorities would save billions of rupees worth of property from encroachers,” he said.Kamal mentioned that the railway authorities had asked the city government to remove the encroachments along the right side of the railway tracks from City Railway Station to Quaidabad Junction, and rehabilitate the encroachers on city government land. “We agreed with this, however, the secretary was transferred to Wapda and the project was abandoned for a while,” he said.
He said that President Pervez Musharraf, the former prime minister and other stakeholders had approved the project, and now the final approval will be given during the first ECNEC meeting. He added that the Malaysian firm has set up office in the city and has already started work. The Karachi Elevated Expressway project was awarded to Malaysian firm IJM Corporation, and it is to complete it at an estimated cost of 400 million dollars in two to three years.
The firm will run the project for 20 years, collect toll tax, and then it will be handed over to the city government.The 24-kilometer expressway consists of six proposed interchanges at Quaidabad, Star Gate, HIR (Karsaz) Road, Shahra-e-Quaideen, Hotel Metropole and Jinnah Bridge. It may also be mentioned that the city government signed the MoU (memorandum of understanding) with the Malaysian firm in March 2006 and the estimated cost at the time was 225 million dollars.

Good News For Karachi CNG Urban Transport Scheme

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Pakistan Govt. serious about Mass Transit System in Mega Cities

KARACHI (March 13 2008): The federal government has chalked out a plan to develop the urban transport system and infrastructure with a view to providing fast, reliable, safe, and affordable services to the urban population. At present, the transport service and infrastructure had not kept pace with the growing demands of urban population, sources in Sindh regional transport department told Business Recorder on Tuesday. Lacks of proper management of transportation setup, urban areas are suffering from poor road condition, accidents, high-level maintenance cost of public transport, traffic congestion and air pollution, they said. Urban population is compelled to travel in overcrowded and unreliable public transport, besides poorly regulating it by concerned departments, they maintained.

Answering a query, they said the government had designed a comprehensive and effective plan to overwhelm the need of more transport infrastructure with modern maintenance system, besides inviting the private sector to participate in it.
"Condition will not be changed unless the private sector will co-ordinate with government concerned departments in making comprehensive and high quality urban transportation system to cater to the need of growing demand of urban areas", they said.
Accordance to jointly surveyed report by the National Highway Authority (NHA) and the World Bank (WB) that 47 percent of national highways have been deteriorated and only 28 percent of the network is in good condition.
"Due to insufficiency of highways, 30 to 35 percent of agri produce is being spoiled before marketing, which causes huge loss to national exchequer, besides growing inflation due to its shortage, hence, the government has decided to convert inferior roads into high quality roads, they said.
They said the government is striving to generate funds for maintenance and up-gradation of facilities such as traffic signals, roads, sidewalks, intersections, parking spaces and drains aimed to provide better transport infrastructure to urban population.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Construction Method for Under Ground Stations - LRMTS

The construction sequence of a diaphragm wall is illustrated in Figure

Once the excavation of a panel is complete, a steel reinforcement cage is placed in the centre of the panel. Concrete is poured in one continuous operation through one or more tremie pipes that extend to the bottom of the trench. The tremie pipes are extracted as the concrete rises; however, the discharge end of the tremie pipe always remains embedded in the fresh concrete.
The slurry that is displaced by the concrete is reused for subsequent panel excavations. When the concrete sets, the end pipes are withdrawn. Similarly, secondary panels are constructed between the primary panels to create a continuous wall. The finished wall may be cantilever or require anchors/props for lateral support.
• Various shape of wall can be achieved with this method (for example, provisions for other lines).
• Diaphragm walls are applicable to any ground conditions. The range of construction is wide and the application goes from silt to rock.

• Excellent waterproof: Over cutting joint is possible without changing the underground water table level.
• High cost: Diaphragm wall are more expensive than other method. Nevertheless, the cost is lower when diaphragm walls are used as a permanent structure. It is used for projects under construction in Paris (metro line 13 extension) and Toulouse (metro line 1) and for projects under design (Paris metro line 4 and 12 extensions) as a permanent support. Moreover, it has been used on several metro projects with no internal structure inside (including Cairo, Caracas, Milan and Paris)

Sunday, March 9, 2008
Example of Station Architecture in Lahore Mass Transit System

The above design - inspired by the Shish Mahal - is derived from the strong tradition, culture and design of the local built environment. The particular form of the Shish Mahal’s roof, its overhangs, fenestration and materials have been reinterpreted and adapted to house the entrances, ticketing and diverse functional and technical spaces – creating a visually strong, easily recognisable volume, which could be used in infill, aligned with the building line or free-standing configurations.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Karachi Mass Transit System

LRMTS (Green Line) Route Details

It is against this backdrop that the Ministry of Finance is holding an international conference in Islamabad from May 11 to 13 to invite foreign investors, including banks and multinational funding agencies, to take part in Pakistan’s infrastructure development projects.
Official circles believe that by May the newly elected government will be able to win back foreign investors’ confidence.
Mr Aijaz Ahmad, chief executive officer of the Infrastructure Project Development Facility (IPDF) of the Ministry of Finance, told Dawn on Wednesday that effort would be made at the conference to arrange about $20 billion funding for five major dams — Kalabagh, Bahshah, Akhori, Munda and Kurrum Tangi.
A number of international law and advisory firms have also been invited.
Mr Ahmad said that Pakistan also needed foreign investment for new power projects. He expected that during the first year of the next government about $2 billion would be raised through foreign investment.
He said that power and telecom sectors had witnessed an increase in private investment in Pakistan. But it has been difficult to attract funding for infrastructure projects.
Mr Ahmad said that 44 infrastructure projects were in the pipeline of which 21 were on the active list while the rest were being developed.
“IPDF’s active project portfolio consists of 44 such projects worth $1.4 billion,” he said.
The IPDF chief expressed the hope that the recently approved public-private partnership policy would greatly enhance the confidence of top international players in the country’s infrastructure development projects.
Sources said that the growing fiscal constraints had forced the government to withdraw from its traditional role of financing PSDP projects by having an effective public-private partnership from the 2008-09 financial year.
Initially, it was proposed to cut 50 per cent government funding in the PSDP and the gap will be filled by the private sector. The World Bank and Asian Development Bank are believed to have approved the proposal in principle and indicated that they would be willing to provide necessary support for improving and expanding infrastructure services for public-private partnership in Pakistan.
The Planning Commission, the IPDF and the two international donors are in touch with leading investors to have the next PSDP shared by public and private sectors on a 50:50 basis.
However, the private sector maintains that the government should first come up with a regulatory framework for the public-private partnership on a sustained basis for a longer period.
A draft law and the regulatory framework are being prepared and expected to be finalised soon.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Dubai Metro
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Assistance Loan for Lahore Rapid Mass Transit System

Of the three projects in Punjab, one project namely "Technical Assistance loan for Lahore rapid mass transit system, costing Rs 0.5 billion will be fully financed by the government of Punjab. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will provide technical assistance.Dr Asad said that Lahore rapid mass transit was huge project and its total cost would be around 2.4 billion US dollars.
The Punjab government will provide $1.4 billion for the project while the remaining amount would be provided by the ADB.He said that Punjab government was planning to initially lay down the track on 27 kilometres and if that portion remained successful, then the project would be expanded. After that the Punjab government would present PC-I and detailed engineering design of the whole scheme to the PC.