The mayor of Istanbul, Dr Kadir Topbas, has announced 100 buses as a gift for Lahoris for the Bus Rapid Transit System project. He announced that Turkey would also provide spare parts and after-sale-service facility.

He made the announcement on the occasion of a luncheon hosted by Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif in honour of the Turk delegation. Dr Topbas said that relations between Turkey and Pakistan spanned over centuries and the bond of friendship between the two countries was unique. He said that he would never forget the love and affection shown by the people of Lahore during his visit, adding that the Turk were pleased to extend cooperation to Pakistanis in various sectors.
He said that Turkey had made progress by dint of hard work and the people of Pakistan would also have to show the same spirit.
Earlier, Shahbaz Sharif said that the two mega projects of modern solid waste management and speedy transport launched in the metropolis were a shining example of the Pak-Turk friendship. The CM said that there was an unswerving bond of friendship between Pakistan and Turkey. He said that Lahore and Istanbul were declared twin cities in 1974 and “now, after the visit of Turk guests to Lahore, it looks like a reunion between two brothers after a long time”.
The CM said that heaps of garbage and filth were also seen in Istanbul until a few years ago, but the mayor of Istanbul made it one of the cleanest cities of the world, and also plied metro buses.
He said that Lahore would also be transformed into a neat and clean city with the cooperation of Turk companies and the people of the city. He said that a modern system of solid waste management had been introduced in the metropolis and its success would be ensured at any cost.
He said that the metro bus service would also be started in Lahore, which would result in the availability of speedy transport facilities to the masses.
Earlier in the day, Dr Topbas laid the foundation stone of the girls campus of the Pak-Turk International Schools and Colleges on Raiwind Road.
The Pak-Turk International Schools and Colleges chairman informed the delegates that the project would help in imparting educational facilities to 900 girls.
He said that the foundation had been providing educational facilities to more than 5,000 children in 18 schools across Pakistan.
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